Global Congress2024-11-11T11:27:07+00:00Open Journal Systems<p>E Global Congress Publishes the peer reviewed working conference papers on monthly basis. The original research papers in multidisciplinary areas are published by E Global Congress. E Global Congress follows double blind peer review for quality improvement of the articles accepted for publication. The major areas covered are not limited to following:</p> <p>Applied and Theoretical Sciences </p> <p>Natural and Medical Sciences</p> <p>Engineering and Technological Sciences</p> <p>Education and Pedagogical Sciences</p> <p>Humanities and Social Sciences</p> <p>Economics and Business Management</p> <p>Agricultural and Biological Sciences</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>ISSN (E):</strong> 2836-3612</p> <p><a href="">ResearchBib Impact Factor: 6.895 </a></p> <p> </p> FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL BANKING IN UZBEKISTAN2024-11-08T17:22:42+00:00Shokhsanam<p>In the article, the author examines in detail the role of banks and money in digital transformation. The legal documents in the Republic of Uzbekistan regarding the transition of the domestic economy to a digital form were studied. The author also assessed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the state of the global economy, including the digital one. The history of the transformation of banking services, the advantages and disadvantages of digital banks were also studied by the author of this article.</p>2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 KULOLCHILIK SAN’ATINING RIVOJLANISHI VA ISHLASH TEXNOLOGIYASI2024-11-08T17:44:01+00:00Hamraliyev Rahmatillo Baxtiyor oʻgʻliHamraliyev@gmail.comQosimova Nilufar Muratjon<p>O‘zbekiston kulolchilik san’atining eng boy merosini saqlab qolgan maskan hisoblanadi. Mustaqillik qo‘lga kiritilishi bilan noan’anaviy kulolchilik san’at vakillarida mahalliy madaniyatning tarixiy qatlamlariga qiziqishlari kuzatildi. Yurtimizda qadimiy va boy tarixga ega kulolchilik san’ati rivojlana bordi.</p>2024-11-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND INTERPRETATION OF PSYCHOLOGISM IN "ME BEFORE YOU" BY JOJO MOYES2024-11-11T11:27:07+00:00Niyazova Mokhichekhra<p>The article analyzes the psychologism through the intricate development of characters Louisa Clark and Will Trainor. Louisa transitions from a directionless individual to someone ignited by ambition and growth, catalyzed by her interactions with Will. Conversely, Will grapples with despair and a profound identity crisis following his paralysis, illuminating themes of autonomy and the psychological impacts of disability.</p>2024-11-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024