E Global Congress https://eglobalcongress.com/index.php/egc <p>E Global Congress Publishes the peer reviewed working conference papers on monthly basis. The original research papers in multidisciplinary areas are published by E Global Congress. E Global Congress follows double blind peer review for quality improvement of the articles accepted for publication. The major areas covered are not limited to following:</p> <p>Applied and Theoretical Sciences </p> <p>Natural and Medical Sciences</p> <p>Engineering and Technological Sciences</p> <p>Education and Pedagogical Sciences</p> <p>Humanities and Social Sciences</p> <p>Economics and Business Management</p> <p>Agricultural and Biological Sciences</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>ISSN (E):</strong> 2836-3612</p> <p><a href="https://journalseeker.researchbib.com/view/issn/2836-3612">ResearchBib Impact Factor: 6.895 </a></p> <p> </p> E Global Congress Publishing en-US E Global Congress 2836-3612 DIPLOMATIC CONCEPTS IN DIPLOMATIC TERMINOLOGY https://eglobalcongress.com/index.php/egc/article/view/236 <p>This research delves into the interconnectedness of words related to diplomatic concepts within human consciousness. It examines the semantic relationships between these words, exploring how their meanings interact through antonymy, partonymy, synonymy, hyponymy, and gradionymy. The study highlights how these linguistic units are organized into structured paradigms in our minds.</p> Tagayeva Asal Rustamovna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-10 2024-09-10 21 1 3 ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ ПОВЫШЕНИЯ КАЧЕСТВА ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЯ УДОВЛЕТВОРЕННОСТИ ПОТРЕБИТЕЛЕЙ НА ТУРИСТИЧЕСКОМ РЫНКЕ https://eglobalcongress.com/index.php/egc/article/view/237 <p>В статье рассматриваются принципы классификации услуг с учетом изменения потребительского поведения. Освещены мнения зарубежных ученых по формированию модели потребительского поведения. Кроме того, разработан процесс разработки модели потребительского поведения для формулирования маркетинговой стратегии.</p> Махкамова Дилафруз Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-11 2024-09-11 21 4 8 ORGANIZATION OF INTERNAL AUDIT AND CONTROL OF EXTRA-BUDGET FUNDS IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS https://eglobalcongress.com/index.php/egc/article/view/238 <p>In international practice, special attention is paid to organizing the activities of higher education institutions in accordance with the laws of market relations, on the basis of their financial, organizational management and academic independence. On the other hand, the quality of personnel trained through the formation of competition among HEIs plays an important role in the attraction of extra-budgetary financial resources by providing additional paid services based on the scientific potential and material and technical base of the institution. Due to the effective use of extra-budgetary funds attracted by educational institutions through their existing material, technical and scientific potential, it serves to ensure the quality of education and the efficiency of the services provided in universities, and to create an environment of mutual competition. In this case, it is necessary to use every soum of funds earned or attracted by OTMs wisely. Also, in higher education institutions, through the internal audit and financial control system, control of budget and extra-budgetary funds, providing unbiased, reliable and independent information for the university management, and wide use of advanced foreign experiences, as well as researching the theoretical and methodological aspects of researching these processes requires reaching. Therefore, it is important to develop recommendations and proposals for their elimination based on the identification of existing problems in the organization of internal audit and control of extra-budgetary funds.</p> Karaev Payzillakhan Yusufkhanovich Copyright (c) 2024 2024-09-17 2024-09-17 21 9 11